The fact that you are taking your time to review this website suggest different motives you may have in so doing. The obvious thought is that you are trying to find a high quality Criminal Defense Lawyer and you have heard my name, mentioned in that capacity, in one or more different venues. Aside from that obvious motive, there could be another, I suspect, in that you have been told how closely Brad Pitt resembles me, physically, and you simply want to satisfy your own curiosity in order to determine if that comparison is warranted. If that last comment invites your thought process to reflect “IS HE SERIOUS?” The answer is “NO”. One of my attributes is to utilize my brand of humor as an antidote against overwhelming stress that one experiences working in the fields commonly referred to as Criminal Justice.
As you read further, you will notice that I attempt to offer you a broad view of my background and legal accomplishments as an aid in helping you determine whether or not you would, at least, seek to confer with me, as you might with others, in order to make a final determination as to the selection of an attorney that feels “right “for you.
I will let my accomplishments speak for themselves, as you will see, but I will have you understand several personal characteristics that I regard as important for a client to understand:
- I am committed to being absolutely 100% truthful with a client and WILL NOT indicate anything that I do not believe is 100% correct in terms of assessing a client’s case. You deserve the entire truth without exception if you are my client. That is what you get;
- Of course, a client is interested in the financial impact of a lawyer’s representation, but, unfortunately, I cannot tell a client how much a particular matter is going to cost them at the very beginning when I speak with them for the first time because I place a “price tag” on my accomplishment in the matter and not just because I tried and I don’t know that in the very beginning. I require a basic retainer and that takes me far enough along in the process where I can make a projection as to the probabilities of what will happen if I continue with the representation and a range of potential fees from the lowest to the highest, under the individual circumstances of that client’s case. I understand that other attorneys have that gift (?) being able to spout out a particular and definite fee just by the name of the charge pending. I don’t do that because a client wants results not just what somebody can assess as the cost,
- I am subject to criticism because I say what I think and I think what I feel. That quality, unfortunately, is fast evaporating in our culture and when you do that, as I choose to do, there is a definite possibility, or probability, that someone is not going to like hearing the truth and that forms the basis of resulting criticism. That is the way life is and if a client wants to hear nice things, notwithstanding reality, that I am a waste of time as a representative of that individual. There is one criticism that I have heard, on more than one occasion, and that is that I am a “poor loser”. As a matter of fact, that is true. I don’t like to lose! If that’s a fault, then so be it! If the preference of a particular client is to have an attorney represent that client who doesn’t mind losing, then that is where the client should be.
Without further ado, I present which you will now view. Thank you for your interest.
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In case you’re wondering, I am clad in the orange and Miki is wearing the blue blanket.